Embracing Our Primary Identity as Disciples of Jesus

The Uniform You Wear 

Christians living in today's complex world often face the challenge of maintaining their primary identity as disciples of Jesus Christ. In a culture that offers countless labels and affiliations, it's crucial for believers to hold fast to their identity in Christ above all else.

“When we derive our primary identity from worldly philosophies, we're essentially putting on the wrong uniform – one that doesn't represent our true team or purpose.”

—Bart Blair

The Power of Identity

Visualize your favorite sports team wearing their distinctive uniforms. These uniforms do more than just distinguish one team from another on the field - they create a sense of unity, shared purpose, and belonging. Our identity in Christ should similarly unify us with other believers and give us a clear sense of purpose in the world.

Followers of Jesus should be recognizable by the way they live their lives – their spiritual "uniform," so to speak. This identity should be evident in our actions, words, and choices, setting us apart in a world that often pulls us in different directions.

Rooted in Christ

The Apostle Paul, writing to the Colossians, emphasized the importance of being "rooted and built up in him [Christ], strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" (Colossians 2:7). This imagery of being rooted in Christ is particularly powerful.

Trees need deep roots to withstand strong winds and storms. Likewise, we need to be deeply rooted in our identity in Christ to withstand the pressures and temptations of the world. This rooting process isn't a one-time event but a continual deepening of our relationship with Jesus through prayer, study of Scripture, fellowship with other believers, and living out our faith in practical ways.

The Fulness of Christ

One of the most profound truths we find in Scripture is that "the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, and you have been filled by Him… " (Colossians 2:9-10). This underscores why our identity in Christ should take precedence over all other identities we might claim.

Christ offers us not just a partial revelation of God or a small spark of divinity – we receive the fullness of God's nature. When we root our identity in Christ, we're connecting to the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and power. Why settle for lesser identities when we have access to such completeness in Jesus?

Guarding Against Empty Philosophies

Our modern context bombards us with competing worldviews, ideologies, and belief systems that can easily distract us from our core identity as followers of Jesus. Paul warns against being taken "captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ" (Colossians 2:8).

These "hollow and deceptive philosophies" might take the form of materialism, individualism, relativism, or any number of "-isms" that promise fulfillment but ultimately leave us empty. Deriving our primary identity from these worldly philosophies is essentially putting on the wrong uniform – one that doesn't represent our true team or purpose.

The Gratitude Factor

An often overlooked aspect of maintaining our identity in Christ is the emphasis on gratitude. Being "overflowing with thankfulness" serves as a powerful antidote to the discontent and dissatisfaction that often drive us to seek identity in worldly success, material possessions, or social status.

True gratitude for what we have in Christ – forgiveness, eternal life, a relationship with God, and the indwelling Holy Spirit – makes us less likely to look elsewhere for our sense of worth and identity.

Putting on the Right Uniform

To ensure we're wearing the right uniform – that our primary identity is truly in Christ – we can follow these practical steps:

  1. Regular Self-Examination: Take time to reflect on where you're finding your sense of worth and identity.

  2. Immersion in Scripture: Saturate your mind with God's Word to align your thinking with your true identity in Christ.

  3. Community Involvement: Surround yourself with other believers who can encourage you and hold you accountable.

  4. Service and Mission: Actively live out your faith through service and sharing the gospel to reinforce your identity as a disciple of Jesus.

  5. Practicing Gratitude: Regularly thank God for who you are in Christ, cultivating a heart of contentment and joy in your true identity.

  6. Resisting Worldly Labels: Be cautious about how much importance you place on worldly identities and achievements.

The Transformative Power of True Identity

Fully embracing our primary identity as disciples of Jesus transforms every aspect of our lives. It affects how we view ourselves, how we treat others, how we approach our work, and how we engage with the world around us.

This identity gives us a sense of security that doesn't depend on our performance or the opinions of others. It provides us with a purpose that transcends temporary goals and aspirations. It connects us to a community of believers across time and space. Most importantly, it aligns us with God's plan for our lives and for the redemption of the world.

Wearing Our True Colors

The world offers us countless uniforms to wear – career, nationality, political affiliation, social status – but we must remember that our most important uniform is that of a disciple of Jesus Christ. This identity isn't just one among many; it should be the core identity that shapes and influences all others.

Navigating the complexities of modern life requires us to be deeply rooted in Christ, resistant to empty philosophies, filled with the fullness of God, and overflowing with gratitude. In doing so, we'll not only find our true identity but also become powerful witnesses to the transformative love of Christ in a world desperately in need of authentic, committed disciples.

May we always wear the uniform of Christ with humility, courage, and joy, representing Him well in every area of our lives. After all, there's no greater identity we could claim than that of a follower of Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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