The Bible’s Big Plot Twist

How Jesus Changes Everything 

Whether you are someone new to faith, or even if you’ve been following Jesus for a long time, you might find the Bible a bit daunting or even confusing at times. Trust me, I've been there. But what if I told you that there's a secret that can transform the way you read and understand the Scriptures? It's like finding a decoder ring that unlocks the deeper meaning behind every passage.

“Recognizing Jesus as the key to understanding the Bible also transforms the way we apply its truths to our lives. Instead of cherry-picking verses out of context, we learn to interpret and apply Scripture in light of God's overall plan of redemption through Jesus.”

—Bart Blair

If you’ve read any of the letters in the New Testament written by the Apostle Paul you might see that he uses the term "mystery" a number of times. One such place is found In his letter to the Colossians. Now, when we think of mysteries, we often imagine something hidden or difficult to understand. But Paul uses this word to describe a truth that was once concealed but is now revealed through Jesus Christ.

To illustrate this, I like to use an analogy from the Star Wars films. Remember that iconic moment in "The Empire Strikes Back" when Darth Vader reveals he's Luke's father? That single piece of information changes the way we view the entire original trilogy and he way we watch the second set of movies. When we have this critically important piece of information, it completely changes the way we watch and interpret the details of the films.

In a similar way, understanding that Jesus is the central figure in God's plan of salvation transforms our approach to reading the Bible. It's like discovering a plot twist that reshapes how we interpret everything that comes before and after.

You see, throughout the Old Testament, we find stories that might seem disconnected or even strange at first glance. But when we view them through the lens of Jesus Christ, they start to make sense in a whole new way.

Take the story of Abraham almost sacrificing his son Isaac. On the surface, it's a disturbing tale about obedience. But when we see it as a foreshadowing of God sacrificing His own Son, Jesus, it takes on a profound new meaning.

Or consider the story of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers and presumed dead by his father. Yet, he was later raised up to a position of power in Egypt, where he saved countless lives during a famine. In the same way, Jesus was betrayed, killed, and buried, but He rose again to offer salvation to the entire world.

And what about the Exodus, when God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? It's not just a historical event; it's a powerful picture of how Jesus frees us from slavery to sin.

When we start to see these connections, reading the Bible becomes an exciting adventure. It's no longer a collection of disjointed stories but a beautifully woven tapestry that reveals God's love and redemption throughout history.

This revelation should inspire us to approach the Scriptures with fresh enthusiasm. Just as Star Wars fans eagerly re-watch the films to catch new details, we can dive into the Bible, looking for how each passage points to Jesus. It encourages us to explore the connections between the Old and New Testaments and see how every part of Scripture fits into the bigger picture.

But it's not just about gaining knowledge or solving puzzles. Recognizing Jesus as the key to understanding the Bible also transforms the way we apply its truths to our lives.

Instead of cherry-picking verses out of context, we learn to interpret and apply Scripture in light of God's overall plan of redemption through Jesus. We start to see how the teachings of the Old Testament find their fulfillment in Jesus and how His life, death, and resurrection shape our understanding of God's character and purpose.

This perspective can be incredibly freeing. When we encounter difficult passages or commands that seem confusing, we can ask ourselves, "How does this fit into the larger story of God's love and redemption through Jesus Christ?" Suddenly, the Bible becomes not just a rulebook but a roadmap that leads us closer to the heart of God.

So, as you travel upon your journey of faith and explore the Scriptures, I encourage you to keep this truth at the forefront of your mind: Jesus is the revealed mystery that unlocks the meaning of the entire Bible.

Don't be discouraged if some parts seem puzzling. Keep seeking, keep asking questions, and most importantly, keep looking for Jesus on every page. As you do, you'll find that the Bible comes alive in new and exciting ways, and your relationship with God will deepen as you discover His incredible love and plan for your life.

Remember, the Bible isn't meant to be a mystery that only a select few can understand. Through Jesus, God has revealed Himself to all who seek Him. So dive in with anticipation, knowing that every passage holds the potential to reveal more about God's character and His incredible plan for humanity.

As you read, don't forget to pray for wisdom and understanding. The same God who inspired the Scriptures is eager to guide you as you explore His Word. And as you grow in your knowledge and love for Christ, you'll find that the Bible becomes not just a book, but a living, breathing message of hope and transformation.

So, my friend, embrace the adventure that awaits you in the pages of Scripture. With Jesus as your guide and the mystery of His love revealed, you're in for an incredible journey of discovery and growth.

Check out this article for folks just starting out in their faith journey


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